Closest Airport to

Nearest Airport to Nūsay, Afghanistan

The closest airport to Nūsay is Kulob Airport (TJU). Distance from Kulob Airport to Nūsay is 62.8 miles / 101.0 kilometers.

Nūsay – Airports nearby

  1. Kulob Airport (62.8 miles / 101.0 kilometers)
  2. Fayzabad Airport (92.8 miles / 149.3 kilometers)
  3. Dushanbe International Airport (107.4 miles / 172.8 kilometers)
  4. Bokhtar International Airport (112.8 miles / 181.5 kilometers)

Kulob Airport (TJU)

Kulob Airport is located approximately 5.2 miles / 8.4 kilometers north of Kŭlob and about 15.5 miles / 24.9 kilometers northeast of Vose’. IATA airport code is TJU.

Fayzabad Airport (FBD)

Distance from Fayzabad Airport to Nūsay is 92.8 miles / 149.3 kilometers. Fayzabad Airport is located approximately 3.4 miles / 5.5 kilometers west of Fayzabad and about 37.9 miles / 61.0 kilometers east of Rustāq. IATA airport code is FBD.

Dushanbe International Airport (DYU)

Distance from Dushanbe International Airport to Nūsay is 107.4 miles / 172.8 kilometers. Dushanbe International Airport is located approximately 2.5 miles / 4.1 kilometers east of Dushanbe and about 5.4 miles / 8.8 kilometers north of Boshkengash. IATA airport code is DYU.

Bokhtar International Airport (KQT)

Distance from Bokhtar International Airport to Nūsay is 112.8 miles / 181.5 kilometers. Bokhtar International Airport is located approximately 5.0 miles / 8.1 kilometers northeast of Qŭrghonteppa and about 10.6 miles / 17.1 kilometers north of Vakhsh. IATA airport code is KQT.

Includes only airports with scheduled air service.

Map of airports near Nūsay

AirportDistance (miles)Distance (km)
A Kulob Airport (TJU)62.8101.0
B Fayzabad Airport (FBD)92.8149.3
C Dushanbe International Airport (DYU)107.4172.8
D Bokhtar International Airport (KQT)112.8181.5
E Khujand Airport (LBD)136.2219.2
F Fergana International Airport (FEG)141.7228.0

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