Closest Airport to

Nearest Airport to Bayan Gol, China

The closest airport to Bayan Gol is Ulanhot Yilelite Airport (HLH). Distance from Ulanhot Yilelite Airport to Bayan Gol is 40.2 miles / 64.7 kilometers.

Bayan Gol – Airports nearby

  1. Ulanhot Yilelite Airport (40.2 miles / 64.7 kilometers)
  2. Baicheng Chang'an Airport (77.8 miles / 125.2 kilometers)
  3. Qiqihar Sanjiazi Airport (82.2 miles / 132.4 kilometers)
  4. Zhalantun Chengjisihan Airport (90.9 miles / 146.2 kilometers)

Ulanhot Yilelite Airport (HLH)

Ulanhot Yilelite Airport is located approximately 3.2 miles / 5.1 kilometers west of Ulanhot and about 50.8 miles / 81.8 kilometers northwest of Baicheng. IATA airport code is HLH.

Baicheng Chang'an Airport (DBC)

Distance from Baicheng Chang'an Airport to Bayan Gol is 77.8 miles / 125.2 kilometers. Baicheng Chang'an Airport is located approximately 12.0 miles / 19.2 kilometers southeast of Baicheng and about 16.5 miles / 26.6 kilometers northeast of Guangming. IATA airport code is DBC.

Qiqihar Sanjiazi Airport (NDG)

Distance from Qiqihar Sanjiazi Airport to Bayan Gol is 82.2 miles / 132.4 kilometers. Qiqihar Sanjiazi Airport is located approximately 7.3 miles / 11.7 kilometers south of Qiqihar and about 13.6 miles / 21.9 kilometers east of Hulan Ergi. IATA airport code is NDG.

Zhalantun Chengjisihan Airport (NZL)

Distance from Zhalantun Chengjisihan Airport to Bayan Gol is 90.9 miles / 146.2 kilometers. Zhalantun Chengjisihan Airport is located approximately 10.0 miles / 16.2 kilometers south of Zhalantun and about 24.7 miles / 39.8 kilometers north of Nianzishan. IATA airport code is NZL.

Includes only airports with scheduled air service.

Map of airports near Bayan Gol

AirportDistance (miles)Distance (km)
A Ulanhot Yilelite Airport (HLH)40.264.7
B Baicheng Chang'an Airport (DBC)77.8125.2
C Qiqihar Sanjiazi Airport (NDG)82.2132.4
D Zhalantun Chengjisihan Airport (NZL)90.9146.2
E Saertu Airport (DQA)126.8204.0
F Arxan Yi'ershi Airport (YIE)131.9212.3

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