Closest Airport to

Nearest Airport to Gejiu, China

The closest airport to Gejiu is Wenshan Puzhehei Airport (WNH). Distance from Wenshan Puzhehei Airport to Gejiu is 75.6 miles / 121.7 kilometers.

Gejiu – Airports nearby

  1. Wenshan Puzhehei Airport (75.6 miles / 121.7 kilometers)
  2. Kunming Changshui International Airport (115.8 miles / 186.3 kilometers)
  3. Điện Biên Phủ Airport (136.1 miles / 219.1 kilometers)
  4. Pu'er Simao Airport (145.1 miles / 233.5 kilometers)

Wenshan Puzhehei Airport (WNH)

Wenshan Puzhehei Airport is located approximately 13.4 miles / 21.6 kilometers north of Kaihua and about 14.3 miles / 23.0 kilometers north of Wenshan City. IATA airport code is WNH.

Kunming Changshui International Airport (KMG)

Distance from Kunming Changshui International Airport to Gejiu is 115.8 miles / 186.3 kilometers. Kunming Changshui International Airport is located approximately 3.6 miles / 5.8 kilometers southeast of Kunming and about 7.2 miles / 11.6 kilometers east of Majie. IATA airport code is KMG.

Điện Biên Phủ Airport (DIN)

Distance from Điện Biên Phủ Airport to Gejiu is 136.1 miles / 219.1 kilometers. Điện Biên Phủ Airport is located approximately 1.3 miles / 2.0 kilometers northwest of Dien Bien Phu and about 58.9 miles / 94.8 kilometers west of Sơn La. IATA airport code is DIN.

Pu'er Simao Airport (SYM)

Distance from Pu'er Simao Airport to Gejiu is 145.1 miles / 233.5 kilometers. Pu'er Simao Airport is located approximately 57.3 miles / 92.3 kilometers north of Jinghong and about 145.1 miles / 233.5 kilometers west of Gejiu. IATA airport code is SYM.

Includes only airports with scheduled air service.

Map of airports near Gejiu

AirportDistance (miles)Distance (km)
A Wenshan Puzhehei Airport (WNH)75.6121.7
B Kunming Changshui International Airport (KMG)115.8186.3
C Điện Biên Phủ Airport (DIN)136.1219.1
D Pu'er Simao Airport (SYM)145.1233.5
E Xingyi Wanfenglin Airport (ACX)165.0265.5
F Jinghong Xishuangbanna Gasa Airport (JHG)180.4290.3

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