Closest Airport to

Nearest Airport to Seke, China

The closest airport to Seke is Golog Maqin Airport (GMQ). Distance from Golog Maqin Airport to Seke is 148.5 miles / 239.0 kilometers.

Seke – Airports nearby

  1. Golog Maqin Airport (148.5 miles / 239.0 kilometers)
  2. Kangding Airport (168.1 miles / 270.5 kilometers)
  3. Yushu Batang Airport (196.1 miles / 315.6 kilometers)
  4. Jiuzhai Huanglong Airport (199.3 miles / 320.8 kilometers)

Golog Maqin Airport (GMQ)

Golog Maqin Airport is located approximately 173.3 miles / 278.9 kilometers southwest of Xining and about 183.8 miles / 295.8 kilometers southwest of Linxia Chengguanzhen. IATA airport code is GMQ.

Kangding Airport (KGT)

Distance from Kangding Airport to Seke is 168.1 miles / 270.5 kilometers. Kangding Airport is located approximately 17.1 miles / 27.5 kilometers northwest of Kangding and about 104.6 miles / 168.4 kilometers west of Linqiong. IATA airport code is KGT.

Yushu Batang Airport (YUS)

Distance from Yushu Batang Airport to Seke is 196.1 miles / 315.6 kilometers. Yushu Batang Airport is located approximately 118.3 miles / 190.4 kilometers north of Qamdo and about 306.3 miles / 493.0 kilometers east of Nagqu. IATA airport code is YUS.

Jiuzhai Huanglong Airport (JZH)

Distance from Jiuzhai Huanglong Airport to Seke is 199.3 miles / 320.8 kilometers. Jiuzhai Huanglong Airport is located approximately 96.5 miles / 155.3 kilometers northwest of Jiangyou and about 112.3 miles / 180.7 kilometers northwest of Mianyang. IATA airport code is JZH.

Includes only airports with scheduled air service.

Map of airports near Seke

AirportDistance (miles)Distance (km)
A Golog Maqin Airport (GMQ)148.5239.0
B Kangding Airport (KGT)168.1270.5
C Yushu Batang Airport (YUS)196.1315.6
D Jiuzhai Huanglong Airport (JZH)199.3320.8
E Daocheng Yading Airport (DCY)204.6329.3
F Gannan Xiahe Airport (GXH)220.4354.8

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