Closest Airport to

Nearest Airport to Söchtenau, Germany

The closest airport to Söchtenau is Munich Airport (MUC). Distance from Munich Airport to Söchtenau is 35.7 miles / 57.4 kilometers.

Söchtenau – Airports nearby

  1. Munich Airport (35.7 miles / 57.4 kilometers)
  2. Salzburg Airport (37.2 miles / 59.9 kilometers)
  3. Innsbruck Airport (62.1 miles / 100.0 kilometers)
  4. Augsburg Airport (68.9 miles / 110.9 kilometers)

Munich Airport (MUC)

Munich Airport is located approximately 3.8 miles / 6.2 kilometers southeast of Freising and about 6.2 miles / 10.0 kilometers northeast of Neufahrn bei Freising. IATA airport code is MUC.

Salzburg Airport (SZG)

Distance from Salzburg Airport to Söchtenau is 37.2 miles / 59.9 kilometers. Salzburg Airport is located approximately 1.9 miles / 3.0 kilometers west of Salzburg and about 3.5 miles / 5.6 kilometers south of Freilassing. IATA airport code is SZG.

Innsbruck Airport (INN)

Distance from Innsbruck Airport to Söchtenau is 62.1 miles / 100.0 kilometers. Innsbruck Airport is located approximately 2.4 miles / 3.8 kilometers west of Innsbruck and about 19.8 miles / 31.9 kilometers southeast of Garmisch-Partenkirchen. IATA airport code is INN.

Augsburg Airport (AGB)

Distance from Augsburg Airport to Söchtenau is 68.9 miles / 110.9 kilometers. Augsburg Airport is located approximately 2.7 miles / 4.4 kilometers east of Gersthofen and about 4.0 miles / 6.5 kilometers north of Augsburg. IATA airport code is AGB.

Includes only airports with scheduled air service.

Map of airports near Söchtenau

AirportDistance (miles)Distance (km)
A Munich Airport (MUC)35.757.4
B Salzburg Airport (SZG)37.259.9
C Innsbruck Airport (INN)62.1100.0
D Augsburg Airport (AGB)68.9110.9
E Memmingen Airport (FMM)92.3148.5
F Linz Airport (LNZ)92.9149.4

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