Closest Airport to

Nearest Airport to Gununganyar, Indonesia

The closest airport to Gununganyar is Juanda International Airport (SUB). Distance from Juanda International Airport to Gununganyar is 2.7 miles / 4.4 kilometers.

Gununganyar – Airports nearby

  1. Juanda International Airport (2.7 miles / 4.4 kilometers)
  2. Abdul Rachman Saleh Airport (40.8 miles / 65.6 kilometers)
  3. Notohadinegoro Airport (88.1 miles / 141.8 kilometers)
  4. Bawean Airport (112.1 miles / 180.4 kilometers)

Juanda International Airport (SUB)

Juanda International Airport is located approximately 4.2 miles / 6.8 kilometers east of Gedangan and about 5.5 miles / 8.8 kilometers northeast of Buduran. IATA airport code is SUB.

Abdul Rachman Saleh Airport (MLG)

Distance from Abdul Rachman Saleh Airport to Gununganyar is 40.8 miles / 65.6 kilometers. Abdul Rachman Saleh Airport is located approximately 4.1 miles / 6.6 kilometers southeast of Singosari and about 6.5 miles / 10.4 kilometers south of Lawang. IATA airport code is MLG.

Notohadinegoro Airport (JBB)

Distance from Notohadinegoro Airport to Gununganyar is 88.1 miles / 141.8 kilometers. Notohadinegoro Airport is located approximately 4.6 miles / 7.4 kilometers south of Jember and about 22.7 miles / 36.5 kilometers east of Kencong. IATA airport code is JBB.

Bawean Airport (BXW)

Distance from Bawean Airport to Gununganyar is 112.1 miles / 180.4 kilometers. Bawean Airport is located approximately 82.4 miles / 132.7 kilometers north of Paciran and about 91.5 miles / 147.3 kilometers north of Bangkalan. IATA airport code is BXW.

Includes only airports with scheduled air service.

Map of airports near Gununganyar

AirportDistance (miles)Distance (km)
A Juanda International Airport (SUB)2.74.4
B Abdul Rachman Saleh Airport (MLG)40.865.6
C Notohadinegoro Airport (JBB)88.1141.8
D Bawean Airport (BXW)112.1180.4
E Banyuwangi International Airport (BWX)126.1202.9
F Adisumarmo International Airport (SOC)139.4224.4

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