Closest Airport to

Nearest Airport to Fīrūzkūh, Iran

The closest airport to Fīrūzkūh is Semnan Municipal Airport (SNX). Distance from Semnan Municipal Airport to Fīrūzkūh is 42.3 miles / 68.1 kilometers.

Fīrūzkūh – Airports nearby

  1. Semnan Municipal Airport (42.3 miles / 68.1 kilometers)
  2. Dasht-e Naz Airport (65.2 miles / 105.0 kilometers)
  3. Mehrabad International Airport (82.0 miles / 131.9 kilometers)
  4. Tehran Imam Khomeini International Airport (94.0 miles / 151.3 kilometers)

Semnan Municipal Airport (SNX)

Semnan Municipal Airport is located approximately 5.9 miles / 9.5 kilometers east of Semnān and about 11.5 miles / 18.4 kilometers southeast of Mahdishahr. IATA airport code is SNX.

Dasht-e Naz Airport (SRY)

Distance from Dasht-e Naz Airport to Fīrūzkūh is 65.2 miles / 105.0 kilometers. Dasht-e Naz Airport is located approximately 5.9 miles / 9.6 kilometers west of Nekā and about 9.0 miles / 14.4 kilometers northeast of Sari. IATA airport code is SRY.

Mehrabad International Airport (THR)

Distance from Mehrabad International Airport to Fīrūzkūh is 82.0 miles / 131.9 kilometers. Mehrabad International Airport is located approximately 6.1 miles / 9.8 kilometers west of Tehran and about 14.5 miles / 23.4 kilometers east of Shahrīār. IATA airport code is THR.

Tehran Imam Khomeini International Airport (IKA)

Distance from Tehran Imam Khomeini International Airport to Fīrūzkūh is 94.0 miles / 151.3 kilometers. Tehran Imam Khomeini International Airport is located approximately 6.1 miles / 9.9 kilometers southeast of Robāţ Karīm and about 17.6 miles / 28.3 kilometers south of Shahrīār. IATA airport code is IKA.

Includes only airports with scheduled air service.

Map of airports near Fīrūzkūh

AirportDistance (miles)Distance (km)
A Semnan Municipal Airport (SNX)42.368.1
B Dasht-e Naz Airport (SRY)65.2105.0
C Mehrabad International Airport (THR)82.0131.9
D Tehran Imam Khomeini International Airport (IKA)94.0151.3
E Noshahr Airport (NSH)96.1154.7
F Payam International Airport (PYK)109.1175.6

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