Closest Airport to

Nearest Airport to Maubin, Myanmar

The closest airport to Maubin is Yangon International Airport (RGN). Distance from Yangon International Airport to Maubin is 34.0 miles / 54.6 kilometers.

Maubin – Airports nearby

  1. Yangon International Airport (34.0 miles / 54.6 kilometers)
  2. Pathein Airport (58.2 miles / 93.7 kilometers)
  3. Mawlamyine Airport (134.5 miles / 216.4 kilometers)
  4. Thandwe Airport (149.3 miles / 240.2 kilometers)

Yangon International Airport (RGN)

Yangon International Airport is located approximately 7.2 miles / 11.6 kilometers north of Yangon and about 12.1 miles / 19.5 kilometers northwest of Syriam. IATA airport code is RGN.

Pathein Airport (BSX)

Distance from Pathein Airport to Maubin is 58.2 miles / 93.7 kilometers. Pathein Airport is located approximately 4.0 miles / 6.5 kilometers northeast of Pathein and about 30.4 miles / 49.0 kilometers northwest of Wakema. IATA airport code is BSX.

Mawlamyine Airport (MNU)

Distance from Mawlamyine Airport to Maubin is 134.5 miles / 216.4 kilometers. Mawlamyine Airport is located approximately 3.8 miles / 6.2 kilometers southeast of Mawlamyine and about 6.5 miles / 10.5 kilometers southeast of Martaban. IATA airport code is MNU.

Thandwe Airport (SNW)

Distance from Thandwe Airport to Maubin is 149.3 miles / 240.2 kilometers. Thandwe Airport is located approximately 65.5 miles / 105.4 kilometers southwest of Pyay and about 68.0 miles / 109.5 kilometers west of Myanaung. IATA airport code is SNW.

Includes only airports with scheduled air service.

Map of airports near Maubin

AirportDistance (miles)Distance (km)
A Yangon International Airport (RGN)34.054.6
B Pathein Airport (BSX)58.293.7
C Mawlamyine Airport (MNU)134.5216.4
D Thandwe Airport (SNW)149.3240.2
E Mae Sot Airport (MAQ)191.5308.2
F Nay Pyi Taw International Airport (NYT)203.2327.1

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