Closest Airport to

Nearest Airport to Kerema, Papua New Guinea

The closest airport to Kerema is Kerema Airport (KMA). Distance from Kerema Airport to Kerema is 0.5 miles / 0.8 kilometers.

Kerema – Airports nearby

  1. Kerema Airport (0.5 miles / 0.8 kilometers)
  2. Ihu Airport (26.6 miles / 42.8 kilometers)
  3. Baimuru Airport (73.2 miles / 117.8 kilometers)
  4. Tapini Airport (87.2 miles / 140.4 kilometers)

Kerema Airport (KMA)

Kerema Airport is located approximately 79.5 miles / 127.9 kilometers southwest of Bulolo and about 119.6 miles / 192.5 kilometers southwest of Lae. IATA airport code is KMA.

Ihu Airport (IHU)

Distance from Ihu Airport to Kerema is 26.6 miles / 42.8 kilometers. Ihu Airport is located approximately 97.9 miles / 157.5 kilometers southwest of Bulolo and about 125.5 miles / 202.0 kilometers south of Goroka. IATA airport code is IHU.

Baimuru Airport (VMU)

Distance from Baimuru Airport to Kerema is 73.2 miles / 117.8 kilometers. Baimuru Airport is located approximately 105.3 miles / 169.4 kilometers south of Goroka and about 120.4 miles / 193.8 kilometers south of Mount Hagen. IATA airport code is VMU.

Tapini Airport (TPI)

Distance from Tapini Airport to Kerema is 87.2 miles / 140.4 kilometers. Tapini Airport is located approximately 76.3 miles / 122.7 kilometers north of Port Moresby and about 83.3 miles / 134.0 kilometers south of Bulolo. IATA airport code is TPI.

Includes only airports with scheduled air service.

Map of airports near Kerema

AirportDistance (miles)Distance (km)
A Kerema Airport (KMA)0.50.8
B Ihu Airport (IHU)26.642.8
C Baimuru Airport (VMU)73.2117.8
D Tapini Airport (TPI)87.2140.4
E Yasuru Airport (KSX)98.2158.0
F Woitape Airport (WTP)108.7174.9

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