Closest Airport to

Nearest Airport to Seryshevo, Russia

The closest airport to Seryshevo is Ignatyevo Airport (BQS). Distance from Ignatyevo Airport to Seryshevo is 62.8 miles / 101.0 kilometers.

Seryshevo – Airports nearby

  1. Ignatyevo Airport (62.8 miles / 101.0 kilometers)
  2. Heihe Aihui Airport (79.3 miles / 127.6 kilometers)
  3. Jiagedaqi Airport (193.3 miles / 311.0 kilometers)
  4. Wudalianchi Dedu Airport (209.0 miles / 336.3 kilometers)

Ignatyevo Airport (BQS)

Ignatyevo Airport is located approximately 11.6 miles / 18.6 kilometers northwest of Blagoveshchensk and about 13.0 miles / 20.9 kilometers north of Heihe. IATA airport code is BQS.

Heihe Aihui Airport (HEK)

Distance from Heihe Aihui Airport to Seryshevo is 79.3 miles / 127.6 kilometers. Heihe Aihui Airport is located approximately 9.5 miles / 15.2 kilometers southwest of Heihe and about 12.7 miles / 20.4 kilometers southwest of Blagoveshchensk. IATA airport code is HEK.

Jiagedaqi Airport (JGD)

Distance from Jiagedaqi Airport to Seryshevo is 193.3 miles / 311.0 kilometers. Jiagedaqi Airport is located approximately 3.1 miles / 5.0 kilometers south of Jiagedaqi and about 22.2 miles / 35.8 kilometers southeast of Oroqen Zizhiqi. IATA airport code is JGD.

Includes only airports with scheduled air service.

Map of airports near Seryshevo

AirportDistance (miles)Distance (km)
A Ignatyevo Airport (BQS)62.8101.0
B Heihe Aihui Airport (HEK)79.3127.6
C Jiagedaqi Airport (JGD)193.3311.0
D Wudalianchi Dedu Airport (DTU)209.0336.3
E Yichun Lindu Airport (LDS)232.9374.9
F Mohe Gulian Airport (OHE)282.9455.2

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